Faculty Handbook

On July 12, 2023, site was updated to incorporate the Handbook changes passed by the Board of Visitors in June 2023. Changes to the appendices were made in the 23-24 academic year but no changes were made that required board approval. The Handbook took effect on August 16, 2024, with the start of the new academic year.

Download the 2024-25 University of Mary Washington Faculty Handbook

*If you notice any errors in the online Faculty Handbook, contact Amy O’Reilly to identify corrections needed.

Adjunct Faculty Handbook

The University Faculty Handbook applies to all teaching faculty. While most of the Handbook applies in the same way to all teaching faculty, certain sections of it pertain specifically to part-time (adjunct) faculty. Those sections are: Part-time appointments Summer session contract (see the part of this section applying to adjuncts)

3.5 Rank of adjunct instructor

3.7.2 Affiliate faculty

5.4 Academic policies and regulations

5.7.5 Access to resources (scroll to bottom at this link)

6.10 Evaluation of adjunct faculty

Please note that all other sections of the Handbook apply to adjuncts. In particular, section 5 (faculty rights, responsibilities, and policies) contains specific guidance about a number of practical matters that will help adjunct faculty understand expectations and requirements of teaching at the University of Mary Washington.